SB Order No. 6/2014
DG Post No. 107-01/2013-SB dated 27.03.2014
Sub: Acceptance of business from SAS Agents regarding;
The undersigned is directed to refer to this office letter of even number dated 25.04.2013 vide which it was requested to issue notice to all SAS Agents through an office order to be pasted on the notice Board of all Post Offices that no commission will be paid on the investments received through agents where number of Agents Receipt issued to the customer is not noted on ACG-17 and agent’s copy of the counterfoil is not presented alongwith investment for verification by the Counter PA and if these instructions are not followed in case of any investment, such investment will be treated as direct investments.
2. It is further requested that the competent authority has decided that if any investment from agents is accepted without verifying the number of AAR Books on ACG-17 by any postal official any any commission if paid to Agent, will be recovered from the official responsible.
3. It is requested to circulate these instructions to all counter PAs and Supervisors under their dated signatures. It is also requested to ensure that sufficient stock of AAR Books is sent by PSDs to NSI Nagpur.
This issues with the approval of DDG(FS)
(Kanwal jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB-II)